

在泰國當地叫做(Naga eye)納迦眼



納迦眼是泰國著名的天然礦物,也是當地寺廟用來做護身符的寶石. 發現地點是在森林深處的洞穴中,東北部的孔敬省或在富潘山的洞穴,在左近呵省部門的洞穴中發現納迦眼護身符的寶石往往被認為是一個神秘的神聖洞穴。類似於卵石玻璃體鑽石蛇的特點,圓法術形狀具有高硬度。有幾個小五彩,每種顏色有認為,“鑽石娘子”,是聖物,這是千百年來一直都有數千個隱士或由納迦蛇保護,並命名許多名稱藏有差異的特點;鑽石蛇,鑽石格爾,斯利那加的玻璃寶石,寶石格爾等... 搜索“鑽石蛇或娜迦眼”,這是蛇的財產。只有可取的人可以發現,並得到它的崇拜,因為這些東西會選擇慈善有道德的人。如果有人知道納迦眼的地方,如果不小心進入被不允許的神.神將進入的入侵者失蹤。每顆鑽石的顏色將取決於精神祈禱本身。 曾有位佛家弟子在山洞內修行時發現有好幾塊不起眼的石頭正在發亮著,他覺得奇怪.於是就曲了其中一塊把他敲開看看.結果發現裡面有一顆發著光似水晶的寶石,於是他便把其他顆也敲開來看便發現共有九種顏色。

白色: - -從蛇發生使艱苦的,長期的實踐精神集中 -相對純淨的 - 有一個強大的影響,但很難在憐憫濃度。 -加強集中的權力是誰擁有? -精神集中,和平與穩定構成的智能信號,分別為 - 有進步,在公平,稱為純粹的公平權力和結果的憐憫,同時自己和他人。 -有吸引力的人,在自己周圍非常好,已經接近手感舒適 - 乘員是一個合理公平的做法,必須建立合理的優點與慷慨犧牲。

紅色: - -這種顏色是強大的色彩。有崇敬那些滿足電力。 -用於建設目的,創造的勇氣鼓勵 - 有更強大的信心造成的自信和張揚的思想 - 因為紅色是頭的領袖級的王蛇的顏色,喜歡的領導軍政府。喜歡1騎士保護的腸子,將有非常強大。 -因此,它是適合的人誰喜歡在沉思冥想的力量。 -的領導,將有助於促進端莊的輝煌,但該人必須1心中的道德也因為保護逃生的作用,幫助和保護的危險,不採取任何錯誤的方式。

粉紅色: - ,-的發生多數是從女性的蛇王 -適合女性,因為它可以吸引異性。由於有慈悲普及的偉大力量。 -建立獨特的端莊輝煌為那些符合 -有吸引力的人。有一個很好的財富,名聲,榮譽和財富。即使,它是暗粉色。如果它是相當罕見的,誰愛的人的吸引力將是充滿激情和任何人見面將所需,因為它已制訂的各種好方法電源 - 適合的人誰不想有尊嚴的區別,並從別人的誘人魅力。

紫顏色- -這顏色有力量在上訴金錢和友誼的方式 - 幫助創建的深深迷戀和可取的。是一個人的情人 -有人誤解,認為紫色是寡婦的顏色。因此,他們不希望。但事實是為各方接受的顏色,建立友誼,和大家見面和交談的好辦法周到 - 誰是主人會高興一點,新鮮與和平 - 幫助防止惡魔和黑色魔力。

黃色: - -測距顏色從淡黃色直到像黃玉或黃色黃色 -是誘人的色彩,帶來的好運氣和運氣以及色暗的力量。暗黃色是憐憫的普及和實踐精神集中的顏色。的人擁有一樣有優點,有趣的Karma和愛去幫助別人。除了 上訴的好運氣和金錢,將創建中的職責和任務的進展情況 - 在生活中有一個平穩,沒有障礙,因為黃色是依賴顏色,歡迎支持 - 適合的人希望有順利稅履行財產,如金錢和你希望的任何慾望。

綠色: - -與神,梵天和靈魂的希望水晶,只要你想這樣強大的心理有關。救濟,羅馬將有憐憫,幫助和支持。可能是有用的溝通,因為與其他的不同的世界,綠色的鑽石蛇將有助於精神集中。 -權力;輕鬆和平的精神,更快的濃度和穩定性。也有利於保護和拯救 - 如果顏色很暗或暗,將有大國的功德力量和超自然的力量 -知識產權知識,如委員誰擁有知識和強大的魔力。可靠,確保分別與公平聽到那些。

藍色和海軍藍顏色: - -這個顏色是誰是領導者,高省長王級的顏色,有很大的權力,或在王朝有關。必須建立和積累的功德,很久以前。只有那些誰可以取得所有權,必須有一個正常的道德。否則,可能會失敗,在生活中的損失。 -適用於收購人將有助於促進雙方的威信和權力,保護敵人,分別從別人創造的財富支持的信譽,並具有壽命長,因為上帝是神聖的,以保持覆蓋。也有一切的靈活性。

 橙色: - -這種顏色從武器保護 -崇拜,也是身體的裝飾。如果沒有的話,帶來的小底座與水或果汁水和崇拜的鑽石蛇。將它使用好吉祥對你的共同語言,邀請 - 當去有優點,不要忘記犧牲的青睞蛇,因為他們會開心,也很特別青睞。它有助於提高鑽石蛇或斯利那加玻璃寶石的純淨的電源。蛇高興留一個人良好的道德和最喜愛的慈善 - 幫助到一個很好的方式推動,但是對於不道德的人,不會有任何好處,因為沒有一個純粹的心靈。

黑色: - -是非常強大的保護色 -黑納迦眼也可以是所有納迦眼之王 -它也可以防止不利之人所用的黑魔法 及避邪驅魔。

White Color:-

- Occurred from the serpent make painstaking with long practice mental concentration.

- Are relatively pure and clean.

- Have a powerful effect concentration but hardly in mercy.

- Who has possessed to enhance the power of concentration?

- Have mental concentration, peace and stability constituted the intelligence signal, respectively.

- Have to progress in the fair, called the pure fair power and results in mercy both himself and others.

- Attractive people around himself very well, who has been close feel comfortable.

- Occupant to be a reasonable fair practice and must to create a reasonable merit with a generous sacrifice.

Red Color:-

- This color is the color of powerful. Have reverence power for those who meet.
- Used for building purposeful, created the courage encouragement.
- Have more formidable confidence caused self-confident and assertive thinking.
- Because red color is the color of serpent king of head-leader class likes the leader of military government. Likes a knight to protect the bowels, would have the extremely powerful.

- So, it’s suitable for the person who fond the power of contemplation meditation.

- For the leadership, will help to promote dignified splendor but that person must be a moral in mind because also effect for protected escape, help and secure from the dangers; are not taken in any wrong way.

Pink Color:-

- Most of the occurrence was from the female serpent king.

- Suitable for female because it can attractive to the opposite sex. Due to have the great power in the mercy popularity.

- Build the unique dignified splendor for those who meet.

- Attractive others. Have a good fortune, reputation, honor and wealth. Even if, it’s the dark pink. If it’s quite rare, will attractive for anyone who love will be passionate and anyone who meet will be desired because it has drawing power in the various good ways.

- Suitable for the people who want a dignified distinction and attractive charm from someone else.

Purple Color:-

- This color has a power in the way of appeal money and friendship.

- Help to create the deeply fascination and desirable. To be a lover of people.

- Someone misunderstand that purple color is the color of widow. So, they didn’t want. But the fact is the color of acceptable for all parties, build the friendship and thoughtful for everybody who meet and talk in the good ways.

- Who is the owner will happy in mind, fresh and peace.

- Help to prevent from demon and black magic.

Yellow Color:-

- Ranging color from light yellow until yellow like Topaz or Amber.

- Is the attractive color, bring a good fortune and luck as well as the power from the dark of color. Dark yellow is for mercy popularity and is the color of mental practice concentration. The person who own like to have merits, interesting in Karma and love to help others. Apart from appeal good fortune and money, will create the progress in duty and assignment.

- Have a smoothly in life, without obstacles because yellow color is the color of dependence and welcome supporting.

- Suitable for the person who want to have the smoothly duty and fulfill in property such as money and any desires as you wish.

Green Color:-

- Related with God, Brahma and soul of a powerful psychological like a wishing crystal as you want. Relief that the holy will have the mercy to help and support. May be useful to communicate with the different other worlds because green diamond serpent will help with the mental concentration.

- Have power; make the mental peace, faster concentration and stability easily. Also help to protect and save.

- If the color is quite dark or dark, will have the great power both merit power and supernatural power

- Intellectual knowledge is like councilor who has knowledge and strong magic. Reliable and ensure the respectively for those who heard with fair.

Blue and Navy Blue Color:-

- This color is the color of King Class who is the leader, high governor, has the great power or concerned in dynasty. Must to build and accumulate the merit in long ago. Only those who can acquire the ownership and must have a moral in normal. Otherwise, may fail to loss in life.

- Suitable acquired person will help to promote both prestige and power, protect from the enemy, respectively from others, create a wealth to support the prestige and have long life because god is sacred to maintain coverage. Also have the agility in everything.

Orange Color:-

- This color is protecting from weapons.

- Used for worship and also be the body decoration. If not, brought the diamond serpent in the small pedestal on the water and worship with water or juice. When will take it to use, invitation with the common language which good auspicious to you.

- When go to have the merit, don’t forget to sacrifice the favors to serpent because they will happy and very please in special favors. It helps to increase the pure power to diamond serpent or Srinagar glass gem. Serpent pleased to stay with a person who has good moral and favorite in the charity.

- Help to promoted into a good ways, but for the immoral people, will not have any benefit because didn’t have a pure mind.



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